Create Your Own Trading Plan Today

Get The One-Page Trading Plan Template I Used To Bring Clarity To My Trading

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I waited way too long to create my first trading plan. In fact, I thought I didn't need a plan because traders were supposed to be those 'free' people who could do whatever they wanted.

As soon as I created my first trading plan however, I began to see things in a different way. I felt more confident. I knew what I was supposed to do.

Here's the problem: I had a 30-page document with a bunch of different sections.

If I wanted to review something, I had to open the whole document...

About 4 months ago, I came up with the idea of planning my trading on a single sheet of paper. I heard hundreds of times that the best trading strategy could be summarized on a napkin so I tried.

I created this One-Page Trading Plan for myself and shared it only with my coaching clients. They were amazed by the simplicity and no longer had problems to recall what they were supposed to do.

Because I love to help, I wanted to give you access to the One-Page Trading Plan Template. Use it, stick it next to your trading desk, and look at it daily. That has made a huge difference for me!

 Let me know how it works for you!


I think your story is very inspirational and motivating. I know that there is no perfect strategy. I got to the point where I can let go of emotions, make me a trading plan and be fully disciplined.

Branko M

This Template Allows You To:

  • Review Your Trading Strategy At A Glance
  • Have A Visual Aid To Remind You What You're Working Toward
  • Save You Precious Time Instead Of Creating A Long Trading Plan

Download Your One-Page Trading Plan Template And Start Plan Like I Do!

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